Hemp Wick | Randy's

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Go natural with Randy’s line of Hemp Wick! Traditional butane lights can have the user inhaling many noxious gases during each use. Hemp Wick will deliver the user a better tasting, butane-free hit. Simply light your hemp wick and then transfer it to your legal herb, and as a result you will be able to avoid any inhalation of butane gas.  Once lit, hemp wick will burn for long, extended periods of time. Not only does hemp wick offer the user more endurance, it also allows for more control of the flame, which will give the user the ability to ‘corner’ their legal herbs. Hemp wick burns at a lower temperature than a butane-lighter, as a result the user will get less harsh, more intense hits. The low temperature in which the hemp wick burns will not combust your herb, allowing for longer sessions!

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Fine Fettle Dispensary - Newington
96.3 miles away, Medical, Storefront, ADA Access, ATM
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Hemp Wick | Randy's Product
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