Colombian MojitoColombian MojitoColombian Mojito Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 15% 6 Favorites 4.5 4.5 19 votes| 1 review
Marcosus MarshmellowMarcosus MarshmellowMarcosus Marshmellow Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 10% - 14% 3 Favorites 4.4 4.4 19 votes| 1 review
Royal SaluteRoyal SaluteRoyal Salute Sativa Dominant , 60% Sativa/40% IndicaTHC: 21% - 23% 1 Favorites 4.4 4.4 15 votes| 1 review
The GiftThe GiftThe Gift Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 1%, CBD: 20% 11 Favorites 4.7 4.7 17 votes| 1 review
Jawa PieJawa PieJawa Pie Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 15% - 20% 10 Favorites 4.7 4.7 16 votes| 1 review
East Coast AlienEast Coast AlienEast Coast Alien Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 18% - 20% 6 Favorites 4.7 4.7 21 votes| 1 review
East Coast Alien Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 70%/30% THC: 18% - 20% 4.7 4.7 21 votes| 1 review 6 Favorites
Watermelon MojitoWatermelon MojitoWatermelon Mojito Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 16% - 17% 1 Favorites 4.4 4.4 18 votes| 1 review
Watermelon Mojito Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 70%/30% THC: 16% - 17% 4.4 4.4 18 votes| 1 review 1 Favorites
Face LiftFace LiftFace Lift Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 32% - 34% 2 Favorites 4.7 4.7 26 votes| 1 review
Mass Super SkunkMass Super SkunkMass Super Skunk Indica Dominant , 80% Indica/20% SativaTHC: 20% 2 Favorites 4.5 4.5 18 votes| 1 review
Hawaiian Mayan GoldHawaiian Mayan GoldHawaiian Mayan Gold Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% Indica23 Favorites 4.7 4.7 17 votes| 1 review
KoolatoKoolatoKoolato Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 15% - 20%, CBD: 1% 70 Favorites 4.7 4.7 19 votes| 1 review
Rain MintsRain MintsRain Mints Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 22% - 23% 3 Favorites 4.7 4.7 15 votes
The StruthersThe StruthersThe Struthers Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 15% - 20% 1 Favorites 4.6 4.6 27 votes
Super VermintySuper VermintySuper Verminty Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 23% - 25% 0 Favorites 4.4 4.4 21 votes
YachtmasterYachtmasterYachtmaster Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 32% - 35% 3 Favorites 4.4 4.4 28 votes
Forza Sans SouciForza Sans SouciForza Sans Souci Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 20% - 22% 0 Favorites 4.4 4.4 15 votes
Rainbow ZoapRainbow ZoapRainbow Zoap Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 19% - 26% 1 Favorites 4.4 4.4 23 votes
Frosted Vanilla MintsFrosted Vanilla MintsFrosted Vanilla Mints Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 23% - 24% 0 Favorites 4.4 4.4 23 votes
Arjan's Haze #3Arjan's Haze #3Arjan's Haze #3 Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 20% - 23% 1 Favorites 4.0 4.0 10 votes
Golden StarGolden StarGolden Star Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 14% 1 Favorites 5.0 5.0 16 votes
Amsterdam’s WidowAmsterdam’s WidowAmsterdam’s Widow Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 22% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 2 votes
Raindrop KushRaindrop KushRaindrop Kush Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 13% - 15% 0 Favorites 4.0 4.0 2 votes
BluciferBluciferBlucifer Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 21% - 22% 116 Favorites 4.4 4.4 16 votes
White SlipperWhite SlipperWhite Slipper Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 25% 2 Favorites 4.4 4.4 18 votes
Moonwalker KushMoonwalker KushMoonwalker Kush Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 25% - 28% 7 Favorites 4.4 4.4 16 votes
Oregon HuckleberryOregon HuckleberryOregon Huckleberry Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 17% - 20%, CBD: 1% 0 Favorites 4.6 4.6 28 votes
Oregon Huckleberry Indica Dominant Hybrid, 60%/40% THC: 17% - 20%, CBD: 1% 4.6 4.6 28 votes0 Favorites
Ancient KushAncient KushAncient Kush Indica Dominant , 85% Indica/15% SativaTHC: 15% - 21% 3 Favorites 4.6 4.6 29 votes
AberdeenAberdeenAberdeen Sativa Dominant , 75% Sativa/25% IndicaTHC: 14% - 15% 7 Favorites 3.8 3.8 5 votes
Flowers For AlgernonFlowers For AlgernonFlowers For Algernon Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 17% - 25% 3 Favorites 4.1 4.1 23 votes
Sour SecretSour SecretSour Secret Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 28% - 29%, CBD: 4% 0 Favorites 4.3 4.3 15 votes
White Tea BiscuitsWhite Tea BiscuitsWhite Tea Biscuits Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 22% - 23% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 26 votes
Assassin OGAssassin OGAssassin OG Indica Dominant , 90% Indica/10% SativaTHC: 15% - 18% 10 Favorites 4.1 4.1 11 votes
Casey Chocolate ThaiCasey Chocolate ThaiCasey Chocolate Thai Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 17% 1 Favorites 4.0 4.0 1 votes