So, ive never gotten ahold of the flower, but i just came across some wrecking ball #1 wax. Its great, the wax has that lemon-y/citrus taste as well, but not too aggressive more mellow of a taste. The high, of course, was instantaneous after the exhale and i normally cough like a MF when i smoke dabs but this stuff was smooth! could have been bc i was smoking out of a pen idk?? anyways really great stuff side note, its listed on here as a 50/50 being indica dominant, what i have (from CO dispensary) was labeled sativa dominant, my personal opinion is really more the 50/50 almost even split but its almost euphoric and you could just sit back and enjoy it an-...ZZZZzzzz, LOL but on the other hand if you're like me well, you smoke and then get to being productive! in conclusion, I've nothing negative to say about this one!
Hybrid - 50% Sativa /50% Indica
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Wrecking Ball Reviews
Wrecking Ball Reviews
I realize it's difficult to not over generalize when sampling different and or new strains. I deliberately took only one time of "wrecking" and I have to say it was one of those "too high to sleep" and a shroom-like "how much higher will I go?" experience. It would have been fun if I hadn't smoked it to help with sleep. Hi hasten to add that I've been sampling very high thc % cannabis lately, so it wasn't like I'm not used to it. Wrecking Ball is a quick and powerful high. Long lasting too. 1 toke =5+ hours. Anyway, live and learn. It's nice to have it available.
When I dry hit it it's very earthy in the weirdest way but in a good way when I put the light to it the exhale was earthy, diesely and piney and a little hint of sweet lemon and pineapple very mellow good for relaxrd and focusing high smoke before your last smoke session 4.3
Amazing how it made me less stressful and I slept all night. I've been prescribed Paxil and after 2 weeks it made me so depressed. Ball was the best thing I've ever tried. No lab medication, natural herb, and no side bad effects. I can't wait until it's legal as a medical prescription in Florida as in my home state of Illinois.
Great looking bud, a favorite of mine. Has a natural intense smell and it instantly brought me to extreme curiosity, I had to try it. Covered with many crystals and orange hairs. Both green and orange is bright. Definitely has strong Indica effects and I would say really could benefit insomnia or anxiety. Flavor is so great I smoked a joint and was so awesomely mellow it overcame the tired feeling. I would recommend to anyone who wants to get instantly high followed by a nice creeper high.