Florida Donations to Legalize MMJ: 7,000+ Pro-MMJ Campaign, Only 11 to Foes

Florida Donations to Legalize MMJ: 7,000+ Pro-MMJ Campaign, Only 11 to Foes

Supporters of a proposed constitutional amendment to create a comprehensive medical marijuana law in Florida have received nearly 650 times more individual donations than the opposition. Despite this shocking fact, anti-marijuana foes have still raised more money, having received contributions from deep-pocketed prohibitionists.

In 2014, a similar proposed amendment to legalize medical marijuana in Florida was narrowly defeated, garnering 58% of the vote but needing 60% to pass.

United for Care, the organization responsible for placing Amendment 2 on the November ballot, has received over 7,000 individual donations in support of their campaign, with most donations ranging between $5 and $50.

According to public campaign finance records, the Drug Free Florida Committee, the political action committee (PAC) behind the No vote on 2 campaign, has received money from eleven yes, you are reading that correctly just eleven different donors.

Competing Campaign Mainly Funded by Sole Millionaire

Of the eleven donors against legalization, six made donations of $100 or less, three made donations of $1,000-$10,000. That leaves two donors footing the bulk of the anti-pot campaign: an $800,000 donation from the heiress of Florida grocery store chain Publix, and $1 million from Mel Sembler, whos wife founded the Drug Free America Foundation.

Once again, it appears that anti-marijuana crusaders with deep pockets are trying to influence marijuana policy by out-funding supporters. In 2014, a similar proposed ...

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