A well balanced blend that will leave you thunderstruck. Not to strong & not to light.
Sativa Dominant Hybrid - 70% Sativa / 30% Indica
THC: 1% - 5%, CBD: 12%
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ACDC Reviews
ACDC Reviews
This is one of the very best all-around CBD strains (I've tried many of them). ACDC is perfectly balanced, calming me to the extent I need it and giving me an anti-depressant lift as I may need it. As an anti-depressant, it is quick acting. It never takes more than 2-3 puffs if it is going to work. As an anti-anxiety agent, it can be used any time of day, but won't necessarily help you sleep. I like this strain so much I've made a tincture of it.
This strain will have you feeling Relaxed and FULLY functional. Recommend to do at the end of the day so you can enjoy your time before bed. No harsh drawback pretty smooth I’d say so; if your rolling with papers I’d recommend RAW best of the best.
Have tried a few things to replace xanax and other meds for anxiety. This is the first vape I've found that works beautifully--before that, only the 14:1 tablets worked for me. And yes, like others said, this info is wrong. ACDC, from other sources and this experience, is a CBD-high strain with THC. The other strains I've tried left me saying, "Oh,dear, when will this be over? This one makes me mellow enough to go online and write reviews about it.
According to my jar...The ACDC that I had was...THCa: .594%, THC: .075%, CBDa: 16.10%, CBD: .439%, CBGa: .108%, CBG .023%. I remember when I was using it, "Old School" permeated my mind. As like, I was back in High School, of many years ago. Like THIS was the strain that we use to smoke 'Back in the day'. I was a mellow high I remember. ACDC'S very cool; With ACDC you ain't no fool; ACDC puts you back in school; ACDC. Yeah!
It does help me with my pain. Not much high. I'm in it for the medicinal qualities, so it's perfect for me.
"super high 20% average THC level and 1-6% CBD level" This information is completely wrong. ACDC has a 15-20% CBD content, and 1% or less THC content. Speaking from personal research and growing and testing. I cannot use THC without becoming anxious, that is why I chose this strain. It is an excellent strain if you do not want to be bogged down in a THC trip and seek full control of your mind.
It really has helped me deal with this Covid BS! I hope they can create more potent CBD strains like AC/DC! Gonna pickup 1/2 oz every 2 weeks it's that good!
Beautiful strain that helped me with my social anxiety at school. I like this better than Cannatonic (although Cannatonic is also 5/5 stars imo). ACDC gave me the proper amount of focus while obliterating my anxiety. This is the best daytime strain for anxiety in my opinion.
I really enjoy this strain, not just for it's medicinal qualities, either! I find it is much more complex than I initially thought when I first toked this strain for the first time. To begin, I enjoy it's flavor. For me, I taste straw or some sort of wheat. The affects are quite subtle, but the longer I indulge in this strain it seems to have a noticeable cumulative psychoactive affect. It's not so much a strong head high that builds but instead it's more like a very slight buzz in your head, similar to what strong coffee might do, but without the jitters. Energy. That's what it does, it gives energy and uplifting feelings and thoughts. Yeah, I really like this strain for it's subtle yet very creative deep mannerisms. 9/10