Know your Medical Marijuana Facility Lingo!

Know your Medical Marijuana Facility Lingo!

Each state develops their own medical marijuana program making it somewhat difficult to make generic statements about how medical or recreational marijuana works in general.  Although the term “dispensary” is the most common reference for medical marijuana facilities, there are many other terms used in each state.  Here’s a quick guide to what each state calls their approved or proposed medical marijuana facilities:

Arizona: Dispensaries
California Collectives and Cooperatives
Colorado: Medical Marijuana Centers
Connecticut: Dispensaries
Delaware: Compassion Centers
District of Columbia: Dispensaries
Illinois: Dispensaries
Maine: Dispensaries
Massachusetts: Dispensaries
Michigan: Provisioning Centers
Nevada: Dispensaries
New Jersey: Alternative Treatment Centers
New Mexico: Dispensaries
Oregon: Dispensaries
Rhode Island: Compassion Centers
Vermont: Dispensaries
Washington: Collectives

All in all, it’s most important to know how the program works in the patient’s state.  Do not assume all state programs are the same.   Check out our Learn section for state by state FAQ’s and links to each state’s medical marijuana program page.