5 Biggest Differences Between Eating and Smoking Cannabis

5 Biggest Differences Between Eating and Smoking Cannabis

Which is the better experience? Eating or smoking your cannabis? "Better" is in the user's mind, but the experiences differ. They'll both get you high in various ways, and there is no reason you cannot do both.

Old-school stoners have trouble getting past smoking. They might vary their strains or smoking technology, but they generally lack interest in edibles. On the other hand, an increasing number of consumers opt for edibles because they serve their medical needs and/or because they don't like to smoke in principle.

It's certainly easier to smoke than it is to prepare a recipe, but there are at least five more significant differences between eating and smoking cannabis.


Your body and brain process cannabis differently when you smoke and when you eat. When you smoke marijuana, the chemical compounds are absorbed through the lungs to the bloodstream. The psychoactive THC expands the blood vessels and increases the blood pressure, rushing the effects to the brain.

Edibles, on the other hand, take longer to process in the liver, tempting users to increase the dose unwisely. The liver processes the THC into 11-hydroxy-THC, which produces a much more intense high, and this complicates the dosing, too.


Depending on the individual's physical constitution, the smoked grass hits sooner, while the edible grass takes from 30 minutes to two hours to hit and lasts much longer, delivering a subtler, stable high. Compared to inhaled cannabis, edibles deliver a more minor concentration of cannabinoids to the user's neurochemistry, thus delaying the effects.


Inhaled cannabis produces a quick buzz, and with experience, users come to know what they want in terms of an effect. They can raise or lower the dose to suit their taste for high. At the same time, they risk reaching a tolerance level where they want something more or something different. And there are enough strains out there to vary the palate.

Commercially available edibles should have the dosage on the label. That helps you understand what works best for you. But, because the effect takes longer, you must avoid doubling the dosage to trigger the high. It is not hard to overdose on edibles.

In homemade edibles, you must follow instructions on the cannabis ingredient. Recipes that include chocolate, fruit, and other flavors may hide the hashish, diesel, and skunk flavors. But that should not tempt you to increase the quantity of grass.

The wide variety of edibles – from candies to baked goods – lets you consume your ganja casually and discretely during the day and in environments where they prohibit smoking.


The cost of cannabis has a leveling influence on smokers. They are likely to smoke with others, but their reputation is also limited because the grass isn't cheap. Like it or not, they know the cost of each joint they burn.

Edibles offer a different temptation. They taste so good, and who wants just one brownie or piece of candy? So, users must stay aware of what they are doing with repeated use. If candy is correctly labeled as having 10 milligrams of cannabis, you shouldn't be popping one after another in your mouth.

Experienced consumers recommend starting small and being patient. If 10 milligrams are standard, you can portion foods with larger doses. The trouble is that once you prepare a recipe, it is unclear what the potency is or where it lies.

In many cases, commercially sold edibles come in small packages of five or ten pieces, a caution not to indulge too much too soon.

Edibles do not provide or cause you the harsh sensation and effects of smoking. No cough, smoke-related aftertaste, or potential lung, tongue, or gum damage exists. They are, therefore, a preferred option for those with asthma, allergies, or respiratory problems.

Edibles come in many forms besides the proverbial brownies. In addition to candies, lozenges, and beverages, cannabis can be a core ingredient in soups, breads, pastries, and more. Cannabis butter, oils, and grains can supplement granola, salads, and smoothies.

This is a great solace to medical patients with an appetite, nausea, or swallowing difficulty. The longer-lasting effect is an excellent help to those suffering from chronic pain, problems related to AIDS and following chemotherapy, and autoimmune conditions like arthritis, Lupus, and Chron's disease.

The takeaway

There are apparent differences between eating and smoking cannabis. When smoking, you will feel the highest THC hit in the brain and body in 15 to 30 minutes, and it will slack off over the next two hours. When consuming cannabis edibles, you won't feel that high in the brain as much as your body for up to two to four hours, but it will last up to eight.

You will more likely cough after smoking, but you are more likely to mistake the dosage in edibles. So, moderation is recommended whether inhaling or ingesting.