East Coast Sour DieselEast Coast Sour DieselEast Coast Sour Diesel Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 19% - 22% 1056 Favorites 4.6 4.6 28 votes| 18 reviews
East Coast Sour Diesel Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 70%/30% THC: 19% - 22% 4.6 4.6 28 votes| 18 reviews 1056 Favorites
Grapefruit MimosaGrapefruit MimosaGrapefruit Mimosa Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 20% - 24% 49 Favorites 4.6 4.6 24 votes
StrawnanaStrawnanaStrawnana Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 21% - 23% 107 Favorites 4.5 4.5 36 votes| 9 reviews
GovernMint OasisGovernMint OasisGovernMint Oasis Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 30% - 35% 48 Favorites 4.7 4.7 36 votes| 3 reviews
Truffle PigTruffle PigTruffle Pig Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 20% - 21%, CBD: 1% 234 Favorites 4.5 4.5 28 votes
HazeHazeHaze Sativa Dominant , 80% Sativa/20% IndicaTHC: 14% - 23% 693 Favorites 4.8 4.8 19 votes| 9 reviews
Pineapple Upside Down CakePineapple Upside Down CakePineapple Upside Down Cake Sativa Dominant , 80% Sativa/20% IndicaTHC: 25% 211 Favorites 4.6 4.6 38 votes| 19 reviews
Pineapple Upside Down Cake Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 80%/20% THC: 25% 4.6 4.6 38 votes| 19 reviews 211 Favorites
TropicannaTropicannaTropicanna Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 27% 330 Favorites 4.7 4.7 40 votes| 7 reviews
Pineapple ExpressPineapple ExpressPineapple Express Sativa Dominant , 60% Sativa/40% IndicaTHC: 25%, CBN: 1% 4675 Favorites 4.5 4.5 138 votes| 92 reviews
Pineapple Express Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 60%/40% THC: 25%, CBN: 1% 4.5 4.5 138 votes| 92 reviews 4675 Favorites
Hash BurgerHash BurgerHash Burger Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 27% 20 Favorites 4.6 4.6 34 votes| 6 reviews
Silver HazeSilver HazeSilver Haze Sativa Dominant , 90% Sativa/10% IndicaTHC: 20% - 24% 709 Favorites 4.6 4.6 29 votes| 20 reviews
Silver Haze Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 90%/10% THC: 20% - 24% 4.6 4.6 29 votes| 20 reviews 709 Favorites
Pink MimosaPink MimosaPink Mimosa Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 25% - 30%, CBD: 1% 9 Favorites 4.5 4.5 10 votes
The Grape GatsbyThe Grape GatsbyThe Grape Gatsby Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 27% - 28% 9 Favorites 4.5 4.5 26 votes
White RuntzWhite RuntzWhite Runtz Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 23% - 24% 1142 Favorites 4.7 4.7 71 votes| 30 reviews
Orange DaiquiriOrange DaiquiriOrange Daiquiri Sativa Dominant , 75% Sativa/25% IndicaTHC: 22% - 24% 545 Favorites 4.1 4.1 24 votes| 1 review
Orange Daiquiri Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 75%/25% THC: 22% - 24% 4.1 4.1 24 votes| 1 review 545 Favorites
NYC Sour DieselNYC Sour DieselNYC Sour Diesel Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 17% - 23% 536 Favorites 4.7 4.7 19 votes| 10 reviews
Candy RainCandy RainCandy Rain Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 16% - 21% 109 Favorites 4.4 4.4 21 votes| 6 reviews
Rainbow BiscottiRainbow BiscottiRainbow Biscotti Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 37% - 38% 73 Favorites 4.7 4.7 22 votes| 1 review
Rainbow Biscotti Indica Dominant Hybrid, 60%/40% THC: 37% - 38% 4.7 4.7 22 votes| 1 review 73 Favorites
Cherry GojiCherry GojiCherry Goji Sativa Dominant , 80% Sativa/20% IndicaTHC: 26% - 27% 35 Favorites 4.6 4.6 31 votes
Marathon OGMarathon OGMarathon OG Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 20% 457 Favorites 4.6 4.6 40 votes| 12 reviews
Tropicana CookiesTropicana CookiesTropicana Cookies Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 21% - 25% 362 Favorites 4.7 4.7 73 votes| 38 reviews
Tropicana Cookies Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 70%/30% THC: 21% - 25% 4.7 4.7 73 votes| 38 reviews 362 Favorites
Lemon KushLemon KushLemon Kush Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 17%, CBD: 1%, CBN: 1% 2140 Favorites 4.2 4.2 41 votes| 28 reviews
The SoapThe SoapThe Soap Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 35% 242 Favorites 4.8 4.8 35 votes| 16 reviews
Peach PunchPeach PunchPeach Punch Sativa Dominant , 60% Sativa/40% IndicaTHC: 37% 15 Favorites 4.5 4.5 21 votes
Sour DieselSour DieselSour Diesel Sativa Dominant , 90% Sativa/10% IndicaTHC: 26%, CBD: 2%, CBN: 4% 12493 Favorites 4.5 4.5 250 votes| 152 reviews
Sour Diesel Sativa Dominant Hybrid, 90%/10% THC: 26%, CBD: 2%, CBN: 4% 4.5 4.5 250 votes| 152 reviews 12493 Favorites
Fire OGFire OGFire OG Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 20% - 25% 5420 Favorites 4.6 4.6 85 votes| 56 reviews
Alien OGAlien OGAlien OG Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 22% - 28%, CBD: 1%, CBN: 1% 1460 Favorites 4.5 4.5 59 votes| 37 reviews
Alien OG Hybrid, 50%/50% THC: 22% - 28%, CBD: 1%, CBN: 1% 4.5 4.5 59 votes| 37 reviews 1460 Favorites
Pink GelatoPink GelatoPink Gelato Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 17% - 27% 485 Favorites 4.4 4.4 21 votes| 1 review
Cherry JuiceCherry JuiceCherry Juice Indica Dominant , 60% Indica/40% SativaTHC: 23% - 25% 3 Favorites 4.4 4.4 22 votes
Paradise WaitsParadise WaitsParadise Waits Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 21% - 29% 13 Favorites 4.7 4.7 26 votes| 1 review
Paradise Waits Indica Dominant Hybrid, 70%/30% THC: 21% - 29% 4.7 4.7 26 votes| 1 review 13 Favorites
Gassy TaffyGassy TaffyGassy Taffy Sativa Dominant , 60% Sativa/40% IndicaTHC: 24% - 28% 5 Favorites 4.6 4.6 23 votes
Forbidden WifeForbidden WifeForbidden Wife Sativa Dominant , 60% Sativa/40% IndicaTHC: 29% - 33% 1 Favorites 4.5 4.5 26 votes
OffendoOffendoOffendo Indica Dominant , 80% Indica/20% SativaTHC: 30% - 35% 0 Favorites 4.7 4.7 21 votes
Orange GatoradeOrange GatoradeOrange Gatorade Sativa Dominant , 80% Sativa/20% IndicaTHC: 28% - 30% 0 Favorites 4.6 4.6 17 votes
Moonshine CookiesMoonshine CookiesMoonshine Cookies Sativa Dominant , 60% Sativa/40% IndicaTHC: 25% - 33% 2 Favorites 4.6 4.6 29 votes
Ruby FuelRuby FuelRuby Fuel Sativa Dominant , 70% Sativa/30% IndicaTHC: 34% - 36% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 10 votes
Malibu SunsetMalibu SunsetMalibu Sunset Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 28% - 31% 2 Favorites 4.5 4.5 14 votes
Raspberry GelatoRaspberry GelatoRaspberry Gelato Indica Dominant , 70% Indica/30% SativaTHC: 30% - 33% 0 Favorites 4.5 4.5 16 votes
Lobster ButterLobster ButterLobster Butter Indica Dominant , 65% Indica/35% SativaTHC: 26% - 33% 2 Favorites 4.5 4.5 29 votes